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By Angela Gemmill

Cash-registers will be ringing constantly today as over 19-million Canadians are expected to take in Black Friday sales at stores across the country.

The big shopping day has ony really caught on here over the past seven or eight years, but it’s huge across the border since it follows American Thanksgiving.

The KiSS 105.3 Newsroom asked Cambrian College Business Professor, Brian Vendramin, if shoppers were buying gifts or buying for themselves.

He says it’s both.

Most people like to buy clothes on Black Friday, since they can try things on, however Vendramin says electronics and toys are also big ticket items on sale today.

He says most business owners and their staff are ready for the busy shopping day…which hasn’t quite caught up with Boxing Day sales, just yet.

He says most retailers offer the same discounts in-house as they do online, so if you don’t want to brave the crowds today you could shop from your computer, particularly on Cyber Monday.

Vendramim urges consumers to shop locally, compare prices and shop with a budget.

And to all retailers, he reminds them to continue their good customer service with every transaction they make on Black Friday.

Vendramin says this day has started to be referred to as “Slack Friday” due to the overwhelming number of people who call in sick or take vacation days to go shopping.