By: Nick Liard

Dario Zulich says the hard work now begins for the True North Strong development.

Zulich says he was more than excited with council’s decision last night and this morning he began the day with a 7 am breakfast meeting.

He then told us the afternoon featured a meeting with a hotel group that is looking to build, finance and operate the hotels on the property, and he plans to meet with the Casino group next week.

Zulich was not at the meeting last night, instead attending his sons Grade 8 graduation, but rushed home after to see the vote and celebrated with a homemade pizza with his parents.

He told us he then went to bed and had a great sleep.


Gateway Casinos and Entertainment issued a statement following city council’s decision to local the event centre on the Kingsway, confirming their letter on intent to build on the site.

The statement says they are committed to build a 60 million dollar casino which will create 250 new jobs.

Rob Mitchell with Gateway says they are going to work with the council and community but didn’t comment on if there is a rush to build the new facility.

Mitchell talked about what’s next.

Mitchell did not comment on if the event centre needed to be built before the casino is constructed.


And Sudbury’s Chamber of Commerce is encouraging city council to make the event centre development as expeditious as possible.

The Chamber congratulated council and the True North Strong group and says the project has potential to transform Greater Sudbury and bring substantial economic growth to the community.

Board Chair, Tracy Nutt says there are many steps before the new arena will be completed and they need to get started right away.

Filed under: Chamber of Commerce, Dario Zulich, discussion, event centre, Gateway, Kingsway, local news