This January, we are encouraging you to take the “Milk For Minors” Challenge!

Milk for Minors is a fundraising campaign in support of Our Children Our Future and in partnership with the Dairy Farmers of Ontario, with a goal to raise $16,000.00 so we can purchase milk for a year to help local families facing food insecurity.  Milk is a superhero for the body – it’s  a rich source of 15 essential nutrients that promote good health …that’s why it is so important to make it available to families in need.

Here are several different ways you can help:

  • Make a donation online
  • Take a picture with your “milk-stache” on your own or with a group on your social pages (and tag us on Facebook and/or Instagram for a chance to be featured in some of our social media posts) as you enjoy milk to help raise awareness
  • Make a donation to Our Children, Our Future through your payroll (if your employer offers the ability to make charitable payroll contributions)
  • For businesses: consider making a donation through the sale of products at your business or accepting donations at your Point of Purchase (please contact Lynne Ethier if you are interested in more information on how you can help)
Filed under: Jamie's 40k