
By: Nick Liard

On October 10th the number of garbage bags that will be collected at the end of your driveway will be reduced from three to two.

Ward 9 Councillor Deb McIntosh and Ward 7 councillor Mike Jakubo put out a news release saying the move is one for the future of the city because if we stay on the same path the city’s three landfill sites will be tapped out in 20-30 years.

The average cost for a new landfill site is 40-50 million dollars.

Jakubo says the switch will encourage more people to use recycling and green bins which will still be picked up weekly.

Jakubo says it’s a move that’s been a long time coming as many other municipalities have had more strict regulations for longer.

It’s a move that is the first step in a plan to go down to one bag in 2019 and then two bags every two weeks in 2021.

There are programs in place for special circumstances like young families and those with medical disabilities.

Filed under: bags, city council, collection, garbage, garbage bags, local news, October 10th, Sudbury