100 Strong Organizer Anna Maria Barsanti & KiSS 105.3 Announcer Rich Griffin
100 Strong Organizer Anna Maria Barsanti & KiSS 105.3 Announcer Rich Griffin

By Angela Gemmill

When people come together they can make a big impact on their community.

That’s what ‘100 Strong’ is all about.

The one-hour fundraising initiative was held last night with 93 residents registering to take part.

Each pledged $100.

Five of 15 local charities were randomly drawn and a representative spoke to the crowd about how the money would make a different.

Then everyone voted on a winner who would get $9,300 (the total).

Health Sciences North Foundation will create a distraction room in the pediatric unit of the hospital.

While young hospital patients are being treated at Health Sciences North they’ll have a place to ‘distract’ themselves from the stress.

(Picture: 100 Strong organizer Anna Maria Barsanti & KiSS 105.3 Announcer Rich Griffin)