A recent Reddit thread went viral, where people discussed the toys, games & activities from their childhood that would be deemed “unsafe” by today’s standards. It inspired us to ask for your additions to the list….

See if any of these ring a bell!

“Wood burning kit. Also had a ‘made for kids’ real scroll saw, table saw and lathe kit.”

-“Remember those K-tel plastic Super Slider Snow Skates that you strapped on to the bottom of your snow boots? I don’t think they would pass today’s safety squad.”

-“Caps. Being a girl I didn’t have a cap gun (I know right?! lol). So we’d either bang them with a rock on the curb or use our thumb nail. (How did we survive??”

-“That pogo ball thing that you bounce around on from the 80s.

“What were those fairies that flied when you pulled a sort of rip cord by spinning with their hard plastic wings out like lethal little helicopters until they crash landed either on the ground or in someone’s eye?”

Clackers (the glass ones), lawn darts and Red Rover were popular responses too.

Filed under: childhood, retro, retro toys, toys