A Dad’s Devious Hack to Get His Kids to Nap 

This has been one of the top trending videos on TikTok.? It’s a dad explaining his trick to get his kids to take a nap.? He plays a movie that’s in Spanish, and when they don’t understand it, he tells them it’s because they’re tired and need a nap. 

And when they wake up he plays that same movie in English.? He also ends the clip with a movie-villain laugh. 



Someone Spotted Dynamite in a Car But it Turned Out to Be a Something Delicous 

The cops in Greensburg, Kansas got a call on Wednesday afternoon after someone spotted a STICK OF DYNAMITE in a parked car.? So the police and fire departments rushed to the scene to check it out. 

But . . . the “dynamite” turned out to be a beef stick in a wrapper.? The cops say, quote, “The vehicle owner removed the suspicious beef stick from the dash.”