Three Sisters Beat 1 in 50 Million Odds
In Ohio, three sisters have given birth on the same day, in the same hospital, with the same obstetrician overseeing their deliveries! Daneesha Haynes, Ariel Williams, and Ashley Haynes gave birth July 3 at OhioHealth Mansfield Hospital within a four-and-a-half-hour span. A 1998 AP story cited the odds of three sisters giving birth the same day as 1 in 50 million.  


Disinfect My Mask With What??
Philippine health officials rushed to correct President Rodrigo Duterte after he actually advised residents to disinfect their face masks with gasoline. Just in case there is any doubt – NEVER DO THIS! It would be completely unsafe and potentially fatal. Duterte suggested using gasoline substance as a suitable substitute for cleaning supplies saying, “For people who don’t [have Lysol], drench it in gasoline or diesel, and COVID won’t stand a chance. Just find some gasoline and dip your hand with the mask in it.” Perhaps borrowing from the Donald Trump playbook, Duterte’s staff later said the president was just “joking.”?