There has been a lot of information to take in with the COVID-19 situation changing almost by the hour.

The Cory and Jamie Show took questions from you and asked them to Public Health Sudbury and Districts Medical Officer of Health Dr. Penny Sutcliffe.

Here is a list of questions that were asked, who they were from and what time they were asked within the interview:

00.00 – Stevio – Do you believe this pandemic will get better soon or will it last for months to come like others have predicted globally?

00:30 – Josee – I’m wondering if once someone recovers from covid-19, are they then immune to it? Or can they catch it again?

01:22 – Kara – People that have returned to Canada from vacation and under isolation, can they enjoy the outdoor if they follow the 3ft rule?

02:12 – Jamie – We realize things are changes sometime hourly, but what do you recommend to people who are having “neighbourhood parties” (i.e. kids playing together outside, etc. with no contact? Is this still safe? Is it safe to have a friend over for dinner if they also have been socially distancing? Going for walks with the family? What do you recommend to people asking if these scenarios are still ok?

03:24 – Camille – Why are we only testing people that have travelled and are symptomatic. Why are people with full symptoms of the virus, that have had contact with recent travellers, being turned away from tests.We know community spread has begun, what is your estimate of actual cases in Sudbury seeing as so many are not being tested?

04:35 – Lisa – It is recommended for everyone to self isolate for fourteen days, shouldn’t this time frame start over after every new confirmed case in Sudbury. So start again from the date of the 3 confirmed case?

05:51 – Norma – Should we worry about cashiers handling our items at the grocery store or other businesses?

06:47 – Nicole – Should we be wearing masks?? Does it create some sort of barrier?

07:46 – Martine – If someone suspected to be infected and is asked to isolate for 14 days, should we assume that after the said 14 days that person is ok to return to stores and not infect anyone?

08:34 – Michelle – Explain the difference between self-isolating and quarantining?

09:34 – Bob – A study showed that 1 in 5 Canadians believe this might be overblown, do you think people within our community, within Ontario are taking this seriously enough?

Filed under: covid-19, Dr. Penny Sutcliffe, interview, local, Medical Officer of Health, news, Penny Sutcliffe, Public Health Sudbury and District, questions, Sudbury