From left to right:CTC Clinical Manager Joanne Tramontini, Jeanie Rochon, David Barber, Phoenix Ryan, Tanya Quesnel, Executive Director HSN Foundation Mary Lou Hussak
From left to right:CTC Clinical Manager Joanne Tramontini, Jeanie Rochon, David Barber, Phoenix Ryan, Tanya Quesnel, Executive Director HSN Foundation Mary Lou Hussak

By: Nick Liard

David Barber has spent most of his 12 years in and out of the Children’s Treatment Centre at Health Sciences North and next week he will be leaving home for the first time as he heads to summer camp.

Barber was one of four recipients today of the inaugural Spirit of Sally Spence Awards, which honours Spence, the long time Clinical Manager of the CTC.

Spence passed away last year after a battle with cancer and before her death the awards were created with her blessing.

David’s father Dave Battaino says these awards will provide families with a range of opportunities.

Clinical Manager Joanne Tramontini says four recipients were awarded this year after touching letters were sent in on how they shared or strive to share Spence’s qualities.

Jeanie Rochon was one of the winners and says Spence was a huge inspiration.

Rochon along with David Barber, Tanya Quesnel and Phoenix Ryan were given a one thousand dollar bursary to be used for summer camps, education, equipment or employment.