Photo provided by the Canadian Cancer Society
Photo provided by the Canadian Cancer Society

By: Nick Liard

Last year the local Canadian Cancer Society helped 251 adults and children get to their cancer related appointments, which could not of happened without the fundraising done during Pulling For Hope.

The event in support of the Wheels of Hope program is back for it’s third year where teams will pull a CL-415 water bomber or a concrete truck.

New this year will be a kids pull, where children have a chance to pull a smaller plane provided by Discovery Air.

Carmen Nyabeze’s son was diagnosed with a form of blood cancer a year ago and she says Wheels of Hope has taken some of the stress away.

Nyabeze says she has a hard enough time with her seven kids, and keeping track of all the medication, the Cancer Society makes everything very easy for her.

The Wheels of Hope program provides transportation both locally and to sick kids in Toronto.

The goal is to match the 15 thousand dollars raised last year and registration is still open for teams who want to participate on September 19th.