Our community is full of amazing women; trailblazers, role models, women who are opening doors and challenging the status quo.
Join us again this year as we honour and celebrate the remarkable YWCA Women of Distinction award recipients and the impact they make in our community and the lives of the women and girls around them during the virtual YWCA Women of Distinction Gala Awards ceremony at 7pm on January 21, 2022.
Led by 2020’s Young Woman of Distinction, Jalee Pelissier, the evening includes:
– speakers like Mayor Brian Bigger and Le Loup’s Marie-Gil Talbot,
– entertainment by local band “Twenty-One”,
– an interactive digital Silent Auction,
– a chance to win our door prize donated by Trek Jewellers,
– and, of course, the award ceremony!
Get inspired by and recognize these incredible women while supporting a great cause. All proceeds are going toward YWCA Sudbury’s youth programming, including the “Power of Being a Girl” and “Boys for Real” conferences for students in grade 7&8 from local schools.
Tickets are $48.76 each and are available here!
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