What was the best part of being a kid? According to numerous Twitter users, it could be any of the following

  1. Playing kickball
  2. Hide and go seek
  3. Falling asleep on the couch, then waking up in your bed
  4. Being able to ride your bike and play outside all day
  5. Looking up naughty words in the dictionary
  6. No social media
  7. Boredom meant finding fun
  8. Being naive enough to think that adults have more fun
  9. Not wearing a bra
  10. Innocent crushes
  11. Not getting annoyed at the length of a Monopoly game
  12. Cereal
  13. Saturday morning cartoons
  14. Nap time (that I didn’t appreciate)
  15. Believing you could be anything you want
Filed under: kissmornings