We now know the name of the new Mister Rogers movie which will star Tom Hanks, it will be called ‘A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood’.  The PBS show ‘Mister Rogers Neighborhood’ aired for 31 seasons before coming to an end in 2001. While researching for the film the writers found that more people than they could possibly count credited Mr. Rogers with changing their lives, and that is what the film is about.  ‘A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood’ will not be a biopic, but will tell the story of the life of Tom Junod, who forged an emotional bond with the Mister Rogers star while profiling him for Esquire magazine in 1998.  Tom is at a critical point in his life — he has just become a new father and has issues with his own father — and meeting Mr. Rogers to write a piece about him, thinking it’s going to be a bit of a puff piece, it ends up changing his entire life.  ‘A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood’ is set to open October 2019.
