This weekend was Poutine Fest!  Friday was super sun with Jason Blaine Headlining in the evening. Though it rained for the majority of Saturday, we didn’t let it ruin our fun!  We danced in the rain and jammed out to the awesome talent up on stage!  Keira and I got to have way too many kinds of poutines, and had almost one of everything!  There were so many types of creative poutines like Mac n Cheese, Lobster, Pulled Pork, Vegan, Vegetarian, Greek, and Desert – and that doesn’t even name half of them!  Bell Park smelled amazing all weekend long.  After having all of our poutines, we also got to enjoy some freshly squeezed lemonade, and mini donuts!  I had the smores mini donuts and they tasted like heaven!

Saturday Nights Headlines were The Kings, and Goddo!  Both bands were fantastic and put on an amazing show!  Sunday was a beautiful day with the sun finally showing and making the summer heat return.  I had another 3 poutines, and one had cajun spice on it!  It was to die for!

I had such a great time the entire weekend getting to try so many new kinds of poutines and also spending the day at the beautiful Amphitheater!

Filed under: 2018 Jeep Compass, Admiral Live, Bell Park, Grace Hartman Amphitheater, Mazzuca Chrysler, Poutine Fest, Sudbury