On Sunday I had the pleasure of meeting a family at the Desjardins Butterfly Release for the Maison McCulloch on Sunday at Science North. Earlier this year, Jaymes Fenske and his family members embarked on their epic journey from their home in British Columbia.  They headed East in their truck and trailer combination and after a stop there…they began the long trek back west.

Since the Parry Sound 33 fire was at it’s height when they were on the first leg of the trip, they avoided the area but made the stop in the Nickel Capital and had an absolute blast at Scince North as you can tell from their Facebook Post.

Sudbury ON has the best Science Centre across Canada. Our favourite has always been Spark Science Centre in Calgary. Science North has bumped it out of first place. We will go to the Dynamic Earth Centre Mine tour next year. We stopped to see the world’s largest nickel located on the Dynamic Earth site. Xander has grown so much on our trip, he can now hold a nickel above his head and is nearly taller than his Mom.”

While they were there our KiSS 105.3 Cruiser Girl Keira was about to outfit their dogs with bandanas from Tail Blazers.

You can follow their adventures on their Facebook page 2 Tails and a RV.


We caught up with Michelle and Jaymes on their way west and asked them about their adventure.

Michelle couldn’t say enough good about the Bluecoats at Science North.

Jaymes says Dynamic Earth is definitely on their bucket list

Filed under: Canada. road trip, kissmornings, Science North