Churchill Public School Principal Dave Farrow is retiring on Friday June 29th after spending his last 10-years at the amazing school just off Auger Avenue in New Sudbury. Today KiSS Mornings with Shannon & Gary had a chance to pay tribute to the man who has had such a positive influence on many students and teachers over the years.

These are some of my favourite pictures of Dave taken with myself and Rich Griffin after one of the many fundraisers the school was involved in.  This time we were the bad guys and Dave was Wonder Woman.


During the show we listened to calls from students and co-workers about how Mr Farrow made a difference in their lives.

Students Brandon Radey and Nadia Hamada shared some memories that will stay with them.

Secretary Linda Legault said Dave has a way of making “interesting first impressions.”

Kerri Monaghan worked with David Farrow at Churchill as Vice Principal and then moved over to MacLeod Public as a Principal herself and took a lot of what she learned with her.

And current teacher Dawn Hattie left a message on our answering machine that sums up how much he meant to one young student in particular.

Thanks for all you’ve done Mr Farrow and best of luck in your retirement — you deserve nothing but the best.


Filed under: Churchill, Dave Farrow, kissmornings, local news, retirement