There’s nothing worse than being stuck in a traffic jam, right? Well, Marco Sanchez knows that.

“Houston traffic makes people even more angry after a long day of work”, so he likes to make other drivers smile and “have a little fun”.

Last week, Sanchez was in rush-hour traffic when another driver indicated that he wanted to merge into his lane.

“So I saw this guy trying to cut in for some few minutes and no one was letting him go by,” Sanchez said. “So I decided to give another challenge before I let him go by.”

Sanchez rolled down his window and challenged his fellow driver to a game of rock-paper-scissors to determine if he would let him go or not! LOL

Featured photo credit: Rock Paper 4via

He lost at his own game and let the other driver pull ahead of him. How cool is Marco for not taking life too seriously?! The world needs more people like him!

Check out the viral video he shared with the caption:
 “Stuck in Houston traffic like always! And this guy wanted to get in front of me! And I wasn’t gonna have it TODAY….with out challenging him on a game of Paper-Rock-Scissors”


Filed under: kissmornings, rock paper scissors, viral