Something tells me this could turn into the Lord of The Flies.

A women-only luxury resort is opening up this summer off the coast of Finland.

Janar Kallas / EyeEm

Kristina Roth is the woman behind the business idea. She is a consultant whose company was listed on Forbes “Fastest Growing Women-Run Businesses in 2016”

A 7 day all-inclusive vacation at the “SuperShe Island” will cost almost $4,400. The island will be substance-free in order to “focus on health and wellness” since “many people use these retreats as an opportunity to reset their lives”. (according to a representatives interview with

Roth came up with the idea after noticing that everywhere she traveled, “When there was a cute guy, women would put on lipstick,” she said to the New York Post. “The idea [at SuperShe island] is, hey, focus on yourself — don’t try to get your hormones up.”

Interested in going to “SuperShe Island”? It’s supposed to open in June, but there’s going to be a vetting process! First you must do a Skype interview with Roth – who tells Global News:

“I’d like to vet the person and see that they’re well-rounded and would fit in, but I don’t want to be elitist.”


Filed under: resort, travel, woman, women