It might be week two for that new year diet and the local health unit has some simple tips to stay on track.

Registered Dietitian at the local health unit, Paula Ross says the best thing to do is set small goals for yourself and if they’re not all met, that’s fine as long as you’re seeing results.

She says there is no right and wrong when it comes to a cheat meal, there are just foods that will better help you get fit and those that won’t.

Ross says one of the best tips is to not do it alone.

Ross says foods to look out for as a snack is peanut butter and bread, humus and veggies, cheese and crackers and for dinner, something as simple as an omelette with vegetables can all help eliminate convenience foods in a diet.

She also says in a busy life the best way to succeed with a diet is to plan ahead, cook on weekends or double portions to have leftovers.

The Sudbury and District Health Unit has a number of services and information to help you achieve a healthy lifestyle.

Filed under: cheat meal, diet, health, local news, new years, Sudbury and District Health Unit