There’s been some drama going on within the Fast & Furious family and Vin Disesl is here and is all about the ‘brotherhood’ … or at least trying to maintain it.



Just recently, a feud sparked between Dwayne Johnson and Tyrese Gibson via social media (Instagram / Twitter) all because of the release date of Fast 9.



In a recent Instagram post, Vin posted a picture standing beside Dwayne in what looks to be a scene from Fast 5 and captioned it as, “I know there has been a lot of speculation as to why the Fast 9 release date was pushed… but it would be unfair to say it is anyone’s fault.”


Vin continues, “As we plot the course to expand the Fast & Furious universe, one must be mindful to take stock of the roads we took to get here. The pillars of authenticity, family and most importantly, our loyal fan’s perspective has been instrumental in procuring success.  However, like any vehicle that has run around the globe 8 times, the franchise is in need of maintenance. My good friend and the godfather of Universal, Ron Meyer has granted me the time to do just that. We have some very exciting news to share soon… stay tuned.”



And how it all started …



Tyrese accused Dwayne of holding up the next chapter of Fast & Furious however, it was announced that Dwayne will star in the Fast spinoff, alongside Jason Statham and it’s set to release July of 2019.  According to Variety, Fast 9 was set to be released for April 2019 and now for unknown reasons, the movie has been pushed back until 2020.



However, that didn’t stop Dwayne from tweeting how excited he is about the spinoff.  He tweeted, “My goal from day 1 was to come in and create an exciting/fun character for the fans, elevate the franchise and build it out. #HobbsShaw2019.”



Of course that didn’t sit well with Tyrese and so he fired back saying, “The real selfish #CandyA** revealed.  And why you on twitter..?? You lost my number right? I’m at you when I see you #Family.”



Tyrese also added, “You still promoting a movie that no one wants to see made you clown.”  YIKES!!



Tyrese even posted this shot on Instagram, talk about SAVAGE!


Hate to be around that on set when the time comes to film.

Filed under: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Fast and the Furious, fast-9, kissmornings, tyrese-gibson, vin diesel