The OPP REMIND the public that the 2017-18 school year BEGINS TODAY.

“Drivers should remember that to stop when meeting or overtaking a school bus is dangerous and could have dire consequences,” “Motorists should be extra attentive and prepared to stop for school buses from Monday to Friday between the hours of 6 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. – 6 p.m.”

When driving on a road without a median:

  • Drivers travelling in both directions must stop for a stopped school bus with its upper red lights flashing
  • When you approach the bus from the front, stop at a safe distance to let children get on or off the bus and cross the road
  • When following a school bus, stop 20 meters behind the bus
  • Don’t move forward until the red lights have stopped flashing or the bus begins to move.  Drivers and vehicle owners will be charged if their vehicle illegally passes a stopped school bus.
  • Fines range from $400 to $2,000 plus six demerit points for a first offence and from $1,000 to $4,000, six demerit points and possibly up to six months jail time for each subsequent offence.
  • For further information, visit the Ministry of Transportation’s school bus safety page.
Filed under: kissmornings, local news, school, school bus, students, Sudbury