Most people eat 3 meals a day, but this family only eats three times a week!!

A-mother-of-two named Camila Castello (34) and her husband Akahi Ricardo (36) live a “food-free” diet, surviving on a strict fruit and vegetable diet. Mom practiced a “breatharian” pregnancy, which means she only ate solid food five times during the nine month pregnancy.

According to Wikipedia, “breatharianism” (fasting) is a common practice in Hinduism in which some people believe humans can live without consuming food, and in some cases water. This belief relies on sunlight or “prana, the vital life force in Hinduis for sustenance  .


‘”Humans can easily be without food, as long as they are the connected to the energy that exists in all things and through breathing” Camila says.

The couple, who live in California and sometimes Ecuador, say they forget what hunger feels like, therefore believing that humans don’t need food and can survive using the “energy that exists in the universe and in themselves”. 

(News Dog Media)
(News Dog Media)

While Camila only ate five times during her nine month pregnancy, the parents explain that they do not make their children follow their “breatharian” lifestyle choices.

Dad says: “We would never try to change them and we let them eat whatever they want whether that be juices, vegetables, pizza or ice-cream. We want them to explore the different tastes and have a healthy relationship with food as they grow.”

The mother-of-two says:
“For three years, Akahi and I didn’t eat anything at all and now we only eat occasionally like if we’re in a social situation or if I simply want to taste a fruit. With my first child, I practiced a Breatharian pregnancy. Hunger was a foreign sensation to me so I fully lived on light and ate nothing. My blood tests during all three trimesters were impeccable and I gave birth to a healthy, baby boy.”


Filed under: breatharian, diet, family, pregnancy, religion