Google Trends just released Canada’s most misspelled words by province/territory.

We all have that one tricky word that we always seem to spell wrong.

Mine is ‘exercise’ (that was a struggle just to type that out).

In Ontario, the trouble word is ‘colour’. Completely understandable.

There’s a red squiggly line under it whenever I type it in.

Here they are broken down by province/territory:

  • Alberta: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
  • British Columbia: Pneumonia
  • Manitoba: Atheist
  • New Brunswick: Elliptical
  • Newfoundland and Labrador: Precious
  • Northwest Territories: Facetious
  • Nova Scotia: Yacht
  • Nunavut: Anxiety
  • Ontario: Colour
  • Prince Edward Island: Bargain
  • Quebec: Blueberry
  • Saskatchewan: Discipline
  • Yukon Territory: Altar

And in case you missed it, you can check out what our neighbors in the U.S. have trouble spelling here:

Twitter: @GoogleTrends

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Filed under: Google, spelling, trends