Photo via Transportation Safety Board of Canada.
Photo via Transportation Safety Board of Canada.

Gogama’s fire chief is getting residents involved in his effort to push CN Rail to finish the cleanup from last year’s train derailments.

In a statement posted on their Facebook page, Mike Benson says they are “collecting fish and other samples to assist us in forcing CN to clean up their mess.”

Benson says those wanting to help are asked to take a picture of any dead fish seen near the site, note the time, location and species of fish and bring the information to him.

He adds some residents have noticed a plume floating down the lake, “containing thousands of dead bugs and dragonflies.”

Benson can be contacted at 705-363-7901 for anyone looking to make arrangements to pick up fish or transfer photos and/or information.

Meantime, CN Rail has yet to comment on this latest push.  However, according to their website, they say they are continuing their sampling in the Makami River throughout 2016.  The next round of sampling is expected in September.

For more details on the CN side of things, including their efforts since the derailment in March 2015, CLICK HERE.

Filed under: local news