
Anton Yelchin has died at the age of 27 in a car accident. Foul play is not suspected, but according to TMZ, friends noticed Yelchin was missing around 1 am after he was late to a rehearsal. Yelchin was found “pinned to his mailbox by his car at the bottom of a steep driveway” at his San Fernando Valley home. Reports say his car was in neutral and the engine was still running.

L.A. Police Department released the following statement:

“On Sunday June 19th at 1:10 in the morning, a fatal traffic collision occurred. It was the result of the victim’s own car rolling backwards down his steep driveway, pinning him against a brick mailbox pillar and security fence. The victim was on his way to meet his friends for rehearsal. And when he didn’t show up, his friends went to his house, where they found him deceased by his car. It appeared he had momentarily exited his car leaving it in the driveway.”

J.J. Abrams, who directed Yelchin in both Star Trek movies, paid tribute to the late actor on Twitter:

“Anton, you were brilliant. You were kind. You were funny as hell, and supremely talented. And you weren’t here nearly long enough. Missing you…”

Alpha Dog
Star Trek
Terminator Salvation
Odd Thomas
The Smurfs
Charlie Bartlett .


(Heather Bedor @OtownGrrl/Twitter, Anthony Harvey/Getty Images)
(Heather Bedor @OtownGrrl/Twitter, Anthony Harvey/Getty Images)

J.K. Rowling sent a beautiful flower arrangement to the funeral service for Luis Vielma, an Orlando shooting victim.

The 22 year old worked on the Harry Potter ride at Universal, and when Rowling first heard Vielma was among the victims of the mass shooting at Pulse nightclub, she released an emotional statement on social media:

“Luis Vielma worked on the Harry Potter ride at Universal. He was 22 years old. I can’t stop crying.”

Funeral attendees shared photos of the roses Rowling sent to the church, with a letter that read:

“To Luis, who died for love, you will never be forgotten. J.K. Rowling.”

The evening of the funeral, fellow staff members and guests of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter honoured their former co-worker:

“Tonight, we raise our wands to one of the greatest and best Gryffindors the world has ever known.Tonight, we raise our wands to Luis Vielma. He was brave, and he was one of the kindest souls you will ever meet in your life.” 



It didn’t take long for “Finding Dory” to swim into 1st place at the box office this weekend. The Disney and Pixar sequel to “Finding Nemo” broke records with $136.2 million in North America. “Finding Dory” now holds the title for the biggest debut of all time for an animated movie. Worldwide earnings are at $186.2 million.

The record-breaking numbers knocked “Shrek” into 3rd place. Back in 2007, “Shrek” opened to $121.6 million

Hasbro-Gives-Custom-Action-Figure-to-Chewbacca-Mom-Who-Shared-Video-of-Self-Laughing-in-Mask-825x510 (1)

To celebrate her viral fame, Hasbro gifted Candace Payne with a custom Chewbacca Mom action figure! Chewbacca Mom now has her very own figure with her face on the “Star Wars” character’s furry body. Payne’s new action figure also includes a removable Chewbacca mask and 13 catchphrases, “That’s not me making that noise, it’s the mask,” “I am such a happy Chewbacca,” and her signature laugh.

That’s not all! Payne visited Hasbro headquarters with her family and was given the ultimate ceremony before being presented with her one-of-a-kind toy. With a red carpet and all the sparkles, Hasbro Chief Executive Officer Brian Goldner presented the action figure to Chewbacca Mom.


“Thanks SO much, HASBRO. You literally rolled out the red carpet for me and my family,” Payne wrote on Instagram of her recent visit. “Thanks for making play so much fun!”



Taylor Swift reportedly called Calvin Harris from Nashville to dump him shortly after his involvement in a car accident that left with him with minor injuries. (Interestingly, Taylor blasted Joe Jonas back in 2008 for breaking up with her over the phone.) Sources tell TMZ that the 26-year-old singer was vague during her conversation with the 32-year-old DJ and simply told him that she needed space. Apparently, Harris was shocked because he thought Taylor was in it for the long haul.  Meanwhile, an insider tells Us Weekly that Harris was also taken aback when photos emerged of his ex-girlfriend and actor Tom Hiddleston making out just two weeks after their breakup. “That was fast!” the source says. “It was surprising to him but he just wants to move on.”


A New York judge has ruled that Leonardo DiCaprio must testify in a case against The Wolf of Wall Street after a man filed a lawsuit claiming he was defamed in the film. CNN reports that Andrew Greene, a former executive of the stock brokerage firm Stratton Oakmont, is suing Paramount Pictures and other producers, for $25 million. He claims they wrongfully portraying him as a “criminal, a drug user and a degenerate” through the character, Nicky “Rugrat” Kosko. Paramount has insisted that the character is purely fictional. Meanwhile, DiCaprio’s attorneys have argued that the actor shouldn’t be required to give a deposition since he didn’t write the screenplay, direct the film nor portray Nicky. Alas, it looks like he’ll have to use some of his personal time on something other than chasing twentysomething models.


You might want to check your cereal box before pouring a bowl for breakfast this morning. A 17 year old Glasgow teenager discovered a dead, decomposing bat in her Rice Krispies box. Sehr Rafique was pouring out her cereal into a tupperware box when she found the winged creature at the bottom of the box, underneath the inner plastic bag.

Her reaction? She says “I screamed the house down when I saw the bat”

“I am scared of spiders as it is, so this terrified me. I have never seen a bat up close, never mind one which I almost ate.”

The “terrified” teen says “everyone came running down the stairs when they heard me scream. I had never seen anything like it before.”

Rafique’s dad contacted Kellog’s and the company offered vouchers for a new box of cereal. The only problem?

“That bat was definitely dead but it has put me off eating Kellog’s ever again. All our family eat cereal for breakfast, but have been unable to do so after finding the bat. We have loads of boxes in the kitchen cupboard which now won’t ever get eaten.”


When your grandma is Queen Elizabeth II and she is celebrating her 90th birthday, you better be on your best behavior. Unfortunately for Prince William, that wasn’t the case. The 33 year old received a royal lesson when he was seen sitting down, tending to his son George, as the family stands on the Buckingham Palace balcony. The Queen doesn’t like that Prince William is sitting down, and swats him on the shoulder, scolding him to “stand up, William”. Upon standing, it looks like Prince William is trying to explain to his grandma that he was showing his son the airplane in the sky. HAHAHA!!! You go, Grandma!

The video has been turned into a bunch of memes and gifs on the internet, because let’s face it- – a Prince getting in trouble from his royal grandmother is kind of funny!

Filed under: actor, adorable, Alpha Dog, Anton Yelchin, bat cereal, box office, Calvin Harris, celebrity, cereal, Charlie Bartlett, Disney, family, Finding Dory, Finding Nemo, funeral, funny, harry-potter, hilarious, Hollywood, J.J. Abrams, J.K. Rowling, Kate Middleton, lawsuit, Leonardo DiCaprio, local news, Luis Vielma, mass shooting, movie, Odd Thomas, orlando, Orlando funeral, Orlando shooting, Pixar, Prince George, prince-william, pulse, pulse-nightclub, Queen, queen-elizabeth, Rice Krispie, RIP Anton Yelchin, RIP Vielma, royal-family, Shrek, Star Trek, Taylor Swift, The Smurfs, the-queen, trending, Universal, Vielma funeral, viral, Wolf of Wall Street, Yelchin