The brother of Christina Grimmie has revealed that the late singer’s formerVoice coach Adam Levine has offered to pay for funeral expenses. “I found out this morning that Adam Levine personally called my mother and said he will pay for her funeral and her plane flight, and I was blown away,” Marcus Grimmie wrote in a Facebook post yesterday. Marcus went on to thank all of the generous people who have donated to the GoFundMe page set up to help the family, which has raised nearly $130,000. “Words cannot express… literally I have no words,” he added. “I promise both my parents and I will read every one of these personalized messages.”

Anderson Cooper was on CNN last night, dedicating a full two hours to remembering the victims lost in the mass shooting in Orlando. Cooper stresses how important it is to keep the focus where it belongs…on the victims. He continues to say he will NOT mention the shooter’s name or show his face, as it’s “been shown far too much already”. Anderson Cooper becomes emotional as he begins to read the first name…
Meanwhile, Conan O’Brien was unable to do his regular show filled with jokes, as he says events like Orlando’s mass shooting are “impossible to fathom”. O’Brien is now calling for an end to semi-automatic assault rifle sales. WATCH HERE
Jimmy Fallon shares his thoughts in the wake of the mass shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

Hell’s Kitchen star Gordon Ramsay took to Facebook today to reveal that his wife has suffered a miscarriage during her fifth month of pregnancy. “We had a devastating weekend, as Tana has sadly miscarried our son at five months,” the 49-year-old wrote. “We’re together healing as a family, but we want to thank everyone again for all your amazing support and well wishes.” Ramsay revealed on The Late Late Show last month that Tana was expecting their fifth child, who’d been due in September. Their four other kids include 18-year-old Megan, 16-year-old twins Holly and Jack and 14-year-old Matilda.

Michu Meszaros, the actor who played Alf in the popular ’80s sitcom of the same name, has died at the age of 76. CNN reports that Meszaros, who was only 33 inches tall, had a stroke last Thursday and had been hospitalized since. The Budapest, Hungary, native started his career in 1973 as a member of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus and performed for U.S. presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Raegan. He was also good friends with Michael Jackson. He wore a full-body suit to portray alien wiseguy Alf on all four seasons of the show, but his voice was provided by another actor, Paul Fusco.

Filed under: Adam Levine, Alf, America, Anderson Cooper, Christina Grimmie, comedy, Conan O'Brien, Florida, Gordon Ramsay, gun control, Jimmy Carter, jimmy-fallon, mass shooting, Michu Meszaros, orlando, Pray for Orlando, president, pulse, pulse-nightclub, Ronald Raegan, Tana Ramsay, The Voice, U.S.