
2 year old Sutton Whitt is pulling at the world’s heartstrings with this amazing story! Her parents (South Carolina) Kathryn and Caleb Whitt were rushing to get Sutton to bed that night, so they forgot to say a prayer before bedtime. One hour after getting her down for the night, the baby monitor captured Sutton praying and counting her blessings while reciting the names of grandparents, aunts, uncles, a school friend, her mom and dad and even the jolly man himself…Santa Claus!

“We didn’t do the prayers and didn’t think anything of it,” Whitt said. “We then heard on the monitor that she just decided to do them on her own. We were amazed by it because she usually rushes through the prayers. We’ll have to say ‘OK Sutton, say thank you for this person and that person,’ but as you see on the video, she was naming everybody.”. Her mom says, she never forgets anybody’s name. She’s so sweet and kind-hearted. That’s just the type of person she is. And this video is jut a way to see that. It shows her heart works.”