Gerry Lougheed Jr
Gerry Lougheed Jr

By: Nick Liard

Gerry Lougheed Junior’s case was once again before the courts, as further dates were set.

The next date will be March 31st, which will be to gather information and determine if there will be a preliminary trial or trial.

Lougheed will be required to make his first appearance on May 10th, for a confirmation hearing.

Then a three week block of dates has been set aside, beginning July 4th, for the trial.

The local business man is charged with Counselling an offence not committed and unlawfully influencing or negotiating appointments, connected to the Sudbury provincial by-election.

There was also discussion of gathering witnesses, but it’s unclear at this time if Andrew Olivier, Premier Kathleen Wynne, Wynne’s Chief of Staff, Pat Sorbara or Glenn Thibeault, would be called to testify.

Lougheed’s lawyer say his client maintains his innocence and would be ready to go this week, but these were the earliest dates the court would allow.

An out-of-town judge will preside over trial.