
Former Subway spokesperson Jared Fogle was sentenced to 15 years and 8 months in federal prison for possession and distribution of child pornography and traveling across state lines for commercial sex with a minor.
During his hearing, held in an Indianapolis courtroom, University of Ottawa professor John Bradford testified that Fogle, who pled guilty in a deal made with prosecutors, became a pedophile “because of his highly successful Subway diet”.
“Once he lost weight, it seemed as though in a short time he had hyper-sexuality,” said Bradford. Fogle said, “For most of my adult life, I’ve been in the spotlight, trying to be a role model…I became dependent on alcohol, pornography and prostitutes…I so regret that I let so many of you down…Not a day will go by when I don’t think about what I did to [the victims].” Federal guidelines will force Fogle to serve no less than 85 percent of his sentence. Judge Tanya Walton Pratt would have sent him away for longer, saying, his punishment “does not sufficiently account for the defendant’s criminal conduct.”

Paul Archuleta/Getty
Paul Archuleta/Getty

Charlie Sheen’s rep insists that the hard-partying actor and ex-girlfriend Bree Olson were broken up when he learned he was HIV-positive, but former adult film star Olson says she wants definitive proof that he didn’t know about his HIV diagnosis until after they broke-up. Olson brought her negative HIV test into the Howard Stern radio show. When Stern saw it he read it out loud, “no HIV antibodies were detected.”In the original interview on TODAY when Sheen broke the news of his 2011 diagnosis, he was asked by interviewer Matt Lauer, “Have you, since the time of your diagnosis, told every one of your sexual partners before you had a sexual encounter you were HIV-positive?” Sheen replied “Yes, I have…No exceptions.” That statement is what Olson is challenging. The former girlfriend, who met Sheen in treatment, asks ‘Charlie, why didn’t you tell?’ That’s all I want from him — to be a decent human being and to have let us know that this was going on”. “He never said anything to me,” Olson added. “I was his girlfriend. I lived with him. We were together. We had sex almost every day for a year—with lambskin condoms.” She says, this type of birth control was Sheen’s “condom of choice” & does not prevent HIV from transmitting, they only work to prevent pregnancy. Watch her full interview below:


Jennifer Lawrence and Jimmy Fallon joined forces to create a hilarious infomercial in which the two pretend to be goofy rave kids doing an instructional dance video

 Then JLaw revealed her most embarrassing moment