Irish Regiment
Irish Regiment

By Angela Gemmill

The light infantry reserve unit in Sudbury -called the 2nd Battalion Irish Regiment of Canada- has been in this country for 100 years….and in our city for half that time.

The unit will mark its centennial anniversary this weekend with a number of events, including a Change of Command planned for Tom Davies Square Sunday morning.

Major Ken McClure, Deputy Commanding Officer says those who serve the regiment are proud of the history.

He says the regiment was formed in 1915 to help with the First World War.

It moved to Sudbury and became the 2nd Battalion 50-years ago.

There is an informal reunion at the Armoury on Riverside Drive tonight for past and present reservists who served with the unit.

A regimental ball will be held Saturday night and then Sunday morning, at 11am, there will be a Change of Command Ceremony at Tom Davies Square.

The public is encouraged to come watch.

The 2nd Battalion is the only Irish Regiment in Canada and has a distinctive uniform which include a unique head dress called a caubeen and hackle.