Ryan Reynolds opens up in the new issue of GQ about one of his best friends who tried to sell his baby daughter James’ photos to the tabloids. “A guy that I’d known for my whole life, one of my closest friends growing up, he had been shopping pictures of my baby around,” the actor says. “I kind of got in front of it, which is good. But it was a slightly dark period. A bad couple of weeks… It was like death. It was like one of those devastating things to find out.” Blake Lively’s husband says he has since cut off contact with the person. “There isn’t really a conversation to have. It’s just, ‘Oh, well, now I’m never going to see you or talk to you again, unfortunately,'” he continues. “That’s kind of how it works out.”

Releasing his full-album cover of Taylor Swift’s 1989, Ryan Adams says Swift was the first person to hear the album in its entirety. He goes on to compare her to some epic rock legends saying, “It’s the same kind of stuff that I love about Noel Gallagher’s writing, or classic Rolling Stones songs”.  He goes on to say, “You hear the tone of her voice or the clean line of a song and…you think, ‘Well, of course, this person is who they are in music”. The undeniable force of her personality comes through in her music. There are certain people, like Keith Richards, who have that thing.”

Twerking pop star Miley Cyrus is battling for B.C.’s wildlife. The pop star was urging her Instagram followers earlier this month to sign a Pacific Wild petition in an attempt to stop the growing wolf cull in the province of British Columbia. Calling the cull a “taxpayer-funded kill program”, Cyrus spent the weekend 600km north of Vancouver with her brother to raise awareness. However, B.C. Premier Christy Clark says not only is the cull necessary to protect endangered caribou, she adds Cyrus does not know what she is talking about and the province will contact her “if it ever needs advice on her butt-shaking dance” Cyrus made famous. Meanwhile, the petition has garnered nearly 200,000 signatures.