(Breast cancer survivor Christine Smrke)

By: Nick Liard

One in nine Canadian women will one day be diagnosed with breast cancer, but thanks to advancements in diagnosis and treatments thanks to fundraising events like the CIBC Run For The Cure, mortality rates are down 43 percent since the 1980’s.

The 18th annual Sudbury run is just over two weeks away, with a goal of raising 158  thousand dollars.

Over 60 communities, including Sudbury take part in the annual Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Run for the Cure, which has become the largest single-day fundraising event in support of breast cancer.

Christine Smrke will be one of the over one thousand expected participants, and this year she will be participating as a survivor of breast cancer.

She hopes she can serve as an inspiration when she runs on October 4th.

The CIBC Run for the Cure is a nationwide event, but over 3.3 million dollars has been raised here in Sudbury which funds breast cancer research, education and awareness programs.