Organizers of Girls Take On...NYC Cocktail Party set for Oct 22/15 in Sudbury
Organizers of Girls Take On…NYC Cocktail Party set for Oct 22/15 in Sudbury

By Angela Gemmill

There’s a new event starting in Sudbury that not only raises money for a good cause but it’s a chance for women to dress-up and have a fun night out with their girlfriends.

The Canadian Cancer Society will hold the first ever Girls Take…New York City Cocktail Party October 22 at Natura by Ristorante Verdicchio’s on Kelly Lake Road.

Organizer and Volunteer Marie Whitehead says the event will include live entertainment, signature drinks, a live auction and silent auction.

There will also be food stations offering various food from around New York, like Little Italy, Harlem, Chinatown and of course New York style cheesecake.

All the money raised will go towards top research in women’s cancers like breast, ovarian, cervical and colon cancer.

Whitehead says the theme will change every year to a new destination (Greece, Paris, Las Vegas).

Tickets are $100 each and are available from the Sudbury branch of the Canadian Cancer Society.