
By Stew Kernan

First Nickel Inc. is in receivership and the board of directors and president and CEO have all resigned.

That was the fallout after employees went to work at the Lockerby Mine this morning and were told the mine was closed.

The president of Mine Mill Local 598 Unifor Anne Marie MacInnis says they’re concern is for the workers who have lost their jobs, who are entitled to $1,000 for every year of service under the contract negotiated.

McInnis says it’s still not clear if this is a full mine closure.

She says a salvage crew remains on the job bringing equipment up to the surface which could take anywhere from four weeks to three months.

After that, McInnis says it’s anybody’s guess as to what happens next.

Back in July, 26 workers were laid off as the company began to wind down production after saying the ore could run out as early as the fall.