Earlier this week, Ariana Grande was caught on camera licking unsold food and muttering “I hate America” on a trip to a Wolfee Donuts in Lake Elsinore, California, with her backup-dancer boyfriend. But that’s not all she did: The shop’s owner claims Grande was “rude” and not only licked, but spit, on the doughnuts. Grande, who gave a lame explanation for her actions on Wednesday, issued a second apology via video last night in which she explained that she “kind of missed” her opportunity to deliver a sincere apology the first time around by focusing on the food industry. “Seeing a video of yourself behaving poorly that you had no idea was being taken is such a rude awakening,” she says in the clip. “I was so disgusted with myself… I apologize for my poor choice of words and my behavior… I was just embarrassed, and I never want to be anything but a positive influence on my babes or my loves or anyone who pays attention to me, for that matter.” Too late, honey.