Earlier this week, Ariana Grande was caught on camera licking unsold food and muttering “I hate America” on a trip to a doughnut shop with her backup-dancer boyfriend. Yesterday, she issued an apologetic explanation of her actions to Buzzfeed, writing, “I am EXTREMELY proud to be an American and I’ve always made it clear that I love my county. What I said in a private moment with my friend, who was buying the doughnuts, was taken out of context, and I am sorry for not using more discretion with my choice of words. As an advocate for healthy eating, food is very important to me and I sometimes get upset by how freely we as Americans eat and consume things without giving any thought to the consequences that it has on our health and society as a whole. The fact that the United States has the highest child obesity rate in the world frustrates me.

daily caller.com
daily caller.com

Tom Selleck has allegedly been stealing water from an L.A. fire hydrant and having it delivered to his sprawling ranch property nearby, according to a complaint filed in Ventura County court.
On at least a dozen occasions since 2013, a white truck has been spotted filling up from THIS hydrant in nearby Thousand Oaks then hauling the water to Selleck’s 60-acre property.


The local water district reportedly spent $22,000 hiring a private investigator to document Selleck’s misdeeds.
The district claims it sent cease-and-desist letters that Selleck ignored, now seeks reimbursement from Selleck for its legal fees and investigative costs.

southpark .wikia
southpark .wikia

It appears that the foul-mouthed kids on South Park aren’t going away anytime soon. According to the Associated Press, Comedy Central announced yesterday that show creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone have agreed to a three-year contract through 2019. The new deal extends South Park through a 23rd season and 304 original episodes, all of which will be written, directed and edited by Parker and Stone. In the meantime, the new South Park season will start on September 16.


While Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner have seemed to be on realtively good terms since announcing their divorce last week, Us Weekly claims that their breakup has been anything but amicable. According to sources, Affleck “admitted to cheating” on Garner at least once and tried hard to get her to forgive him so they could stay together. “She tried to leave him a few times, but he would beg her to stay,” one source says. “They’ve been on the brink of splitting up many times before.” Still, a second source close to Affleck insists, “Ben did not cheat on Jen.”