
By Angela Gemmill

We’ve heard recently how Health Sciences North wants to expand its pediatric services.

There is one program it offers which currently is limited in the number of cases it can manage due to limited resources.

Around 100 local children per year are provided with acute care services and counselling for either sexual assault or physical abuse.

A specially trained nurse provides acute care to these young patients under the age of 16, including conducting forensic exams and collecting evidence.

There is also counselling and medical treatment.

Manager of the Violence Intervention and Prevention Program, Nancy Horan says HSN wants to create a Children’s Advocacy Centre.

This would also help victims of neglect and those exposed to domestic violence.

The proposed centre, which would be part of NEO Kids, would provide a more child-friendly environment to help put these young patients at ease.

Horan says HSN takes a collaborative approach, working with community partners like the police and the Children’s Air Society, to help build a safety plan for kids coming through the program.

Sexual and physical abuse of children is one of the most under-reported incidents of crime.