
By Angela Gemmill

The North East Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) has sent a proposal back for tweaking, after a group from Health Sciences North presented a plan for a stand-alone children’s treatment centre in Sudbury.

The plan was for a $55-million building, expanding the pediatric services already offered by North Eastern Ontario Health Centre for Kids (NEO-Kids).

Ninety-percent of the funding would come from the provincial government, while the rest would be fundraised throughout the community.

The LHIN sent the proposal back asking for a more detailed business plan and firm numbers on how many young patients from the region access health services in other jurisdictions.

One of the Board Directors with the North East LHIN, Dr Colin Germond says they want more information before they send the request on to ministry officials.

He says the LHIN is willing to help HSN get the information it needs, review the proposal and provide input on changes.

The team from HSN plans to bring the revised proposal with the requested data to the LHIN’s board meeting in September.