Rich Griffin 621x309

By Angela Gemmill

The life of Rich Griffin will be celebrated this week, where many stories of the KiSS 105.3 radio personality will be told.

The Griffin family has been comforted by Pastor Jeremy Mahood during this difficult time.

He encourages friends, family and KiSS listeners to talk about Rich and share stories.

Mahood says even if you never met Rich you should share your favourite story you heard him tell on-air.

That’s how we’ll begin to heal.

Mahood says grief will always remain with us when someone close dies, but with time that hurt subsides.

He encourages us to smile and laugh to honour Rich, maybe even hold a Seinfeld marathon in his honour.

That was Rich’s favourite television show.

Mahood says we should take comfort in Rich’s personal Christian faith.

It may not be the same beliefs we hold, but it’s what Rich, and his wife Nancy both believe.

The visitation for Rich will be held Wednesday, May 27 from 2-5pm and 7-9pm at the Jackson & Barnard Funeral home on Larch Street, downtown.

The memorial service is set for Thursday, 11am at Glad Tidings Tabernacle on Regent Street, with a celebration of life afterwards at the Caruso Club.

Speaking on behalf of the Griffin family, Mahood says they’re grateful for the outpouring of love and support shown by KiSS listeners and those who knew and loved Rich.