2014 city council

By: Nick Liard

One request for 16 hundred dollars for the Green Stairs Art Walk, sparked a lengthy debate once again on the proper use of HCI funds.

Ward 12 Councillor Joscelyne Landry-Altmann came to council requesting the funds be taken from the HCI funds, when Mayor Brian Bigger suggested they instead be taken out of Leisure Services.

That resulted in a back and forth debate, and Ward 8 Councillor Al Sizer believes this type of project is exactly what the HCI funds are there for.

In the end the project received money from Leisure Services, and Bigger says he plans to bring a proposal on alternate ways to provide funding for similar events and change the way the funds are delivered.

Bigger stated the funds are not frozen, although some councillors were confused if they were or not, and councillors can spend them on projects, but Bigger also stated that they are aware of his plans for change.