Junction Creek

By: Nick Liard

It was a celebration yesterday at Twin Forks Playground as the Junction Creek Stewardship Committee held their 7th annual Festival.

The festival was a chance for the public to come out and learn about the species in the local ecosystem as well as release some Brook Trout into the creek.

Co-Coordinator Shannon Dennie, says it’s a great chance to get kids involved in the protection of the environment.

Dennie also says they have noticied results as in 2011 Brook Trout at Adanac were spotted in the creek on Kelly Lake Road.

The last few years the festival was held at Adanac, but Board member Allison Merla says they moved venues back to the original release point because of atmosphere, to get more of the community involved and to celebrate 15 years of the trout release.

Dennie says its also a great opportunity to thank the over eight thousand volunteers that have helped out since the stewardship was created in 1999.