Inquest 3

By: Nick Liard

Three more took the stand as the coroners inquest into the deaths of Jason Chenier and Jordan Fram resumed yesterday.

Day four had John Myles, Roger Chartrand and Mark Bardswich, as the inquest continues to look at the circumstances behind the deaths and how to prevent similar tragedies in the future.

Myles and Chartrand were on a crew with Fram which was supervised by Chenier, and were among the first to get to the scene on June 8th 2011, at Stobie Mine where the two were overcome by an uncontrolled run of muck.

Bardswich was part of a mine rescue team that later discovered Fram’s body, over an hour after Chenier’s body was found.

Bardswich says if they were there 15 minutes earlier, it may have made a difference.

The inquest will resume tomorrow and is expected to run until at least early next week.

Taking the stand will be two inspectors and an engineer who will speak about why this happened.