
By Angela Gemmill

Nickel Belt’s M-P says the budget that was presented yesterday by the Conservative Federal government does nothing to help the people of Northern Ontario and ignored the Ring of Fire.

New Democrat Claude Gravelle is disappointed in the fiscal plan, calling it a budget for the rich.

He says too many important items were left out.

Gravelle was visiting remote First Nations in Northern Ontario when he spoke with our newsroom about the budget.

He’s angry money for the Ring of Fire was left out, saying this will delay the important mining development even further.

The provincial government and other parties involved in the Ring of Fire had been waiting for matched funding from the feds.

Gravelle was also disappointed there wasn’t money for a national dementia strategy, which he’s been working on for the past five years.

The NDP feel the Conservatives are misleading Canadians, because they took money from emergency reserves in order to balance the books.

Gravelle called that dangerous because where will the government turn for money when there is a real emergency.